Friday, October 12, 2012

National Wild Turkey Federation

National Wild Turkey Federation's regional, state, and local directors stop by our practice this past Wednesday to present our student club with two $10,000 checks which will be deposited into our Midway USA endowment.  We feel very fortunate and are very grateful for the generous donation.  There are many wonderful sportsman's organizations, but when you can please support both NWTF and Midway USA.  They have both been instrumental in helping us build this club.  Also, if you are inclined, please donate to our endowment, Midway USA will match your money, 3:1 until the end of 2012.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Practice Has Begun

The Fall semester is underway and the MSUSSC continues to grow.  We are currently around 60 members shooting shotguns and pistols.  Our pistol shooters have been very active by holding weekly practice sessions and participating in a number of IDPA events across the state and region.  Each Wednesday the shotgun members meet to shoot the games of Trap and Skeet.  We will soon be shooting some 5-Stand as well.  Additionally we hope to have a couple squads travel to regional shoots to compete later this fall.  Please come and join us, you do not need to be an accomplished shooter or even own a gun.

Congratulations to student shooter Brett James who shot is first perfect 25 in Trap this past Wednesday evening.  As you can see, his hat paid the ultimate price.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Pistol Shooters Head To Byram

On July 1, 2012 a group of MSU Shooting Sports pistol members headed to Byram, Mississippi for a HOT but enjoyable shoot.  Our pistol shooters all shot above their averages.  As one shooter commented "our Friday practice sessions are paying off".  You can see the results of the shoot here.  Below are a few videos of our shooters in action. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

MSU Shooters Participate in State Shoot

Shotgun members of the MSU Shooting Sports Club participated in the state trap shoot for Mississippi held in Corinth, MS.  MSU took the college honors as well as many individual awards!
Aynne Swindell crushing a target.

MSUSSC shotgun members and coach of the MSU team with Ms. Rita Parks, State Senator, Mississippi

Monday, April 16, 2012

2012 Bulldog Invitational

Despite a bit of wind on Sunday the weather could not have been better for the first Bulldog Invitational.  Shooters from Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee participated in the 2-day 225 target event.  Saturday began with 75 Skeet targets.  Following lunch, 75 5-Stand targets were shot.  University of Tennessee-Martin shooter Zach Mathis took the skeet championship with a total of 68.  Runner-up was Rome Johnson from MSU with a score of 67.    Austin Davis from MSU squeaked out a victory in the demanding 5-stand course shooting a score of 56.  Zach Mathis took runner-up honors on the 5-stand.

Sunday saw over 50 shooters competing in the Trap event.  The wind had the birds bouncing but it did not stop the Arlington Trappers from capturing High-Team, and Runner-up Team.  Additionally, Kameron Johnson took high overall with a score of 71.  Runner-up was Justin Black with a score of 70.  Arlington shooter Taylor Black won the High Ladies with a 70, followed closely by Runner-up Lindsey Pokrzywinski with a 69.

Shooters scores can be found here.

The MSU Shooting Sports Club is grateful to all of the shooters for their participation, the Starkville Gun Club for the support and use of facilities, and for the volunteers who helped keep the shoot running smoothly!  This event was made possible through a grant with the National Shooting Sports Foundation - please support them and those that they support.  We hope we can see everyone again next year along with some new shooters.
Click on the following pictures to enlarge.
Shooters from Arkansas State University, Mississippi State University, 
University of Tennessee-Martin, and  the Arlington Trappers

Arlington Trapper, Ben Runyon crushes a bird from the 16 yard line.

Arkansas State Trap Shooters

5-Stand winner Austin Davis, MSU 

High Squad - Skeet, MSU

High and Runner-up Ladies Shooters from the Arlington Trappers 
with MSU Shooting Sports club President Tyler Dixon

Runner-up Trap Squad / Team from the Arlington Trappers

Fair-pair in the air!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Come and Join Us

We invite you to join the MSU Shooting Sports Club.  Our membership is nearly 50 with a mix of Shotgun Shooters and Pistol Shooters (Students, Faculty, and Staff are welcome (only students can compete)).  You do not need to be an experienced shooter to join. We also recommend that you consider shooting in the MSU Intramural Trap League.  The cost of the intramural shoot is $40 per shooter and the cost of your ammo.  You will receive coaching from NRA and ATA coaches and you will notice significant shooting improvement.  Like the MSU Shooting Sports Club, you do not need to have any experience.

Below are some picture from a recent club practice - again, please come and join us.
For more information contact Dr. Mike Brown, Advisor  mike.brown(at)

 Practice on 16 yard Trap

 Working out the kinks on station 1 of Skeet

 Starkville Gun Club is a great facility for shotgun shooting

Checking the score sheet after a round of Skeet and getting some advise

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

MSU Pistol Shooters Compete

Some of the MSUSSC pistol team members (Will Mullendor, Trent Yeatman, and Taylor Murphy) made the trip to Byram, MS to compete in a USPSA match.   Congrats to Will finishing 2nd in the limited class.  Trent and Taylor also had great showings in the production class (considering this was their first competitive shoot).  They are hooked and will continue to represent MSU in future pistol events.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Date Set For Competition Shoot

The MSU Shooting Sports Club has set the dates of April 14-15 for their first hosted competitive shoot. Details of the event will be forthcoming.  Since the inception of the club much has happened.  The MSUSSC has been awarded a $10,000 grant from the National Shooting Sports Foundation.  This grant has allowed the club to participate in it's first competition in Jackson MS this past Fall.  It has allowed the club to purchase targets, ammunition, and advertisement items.    Additionally the club now has a Scholastic Shooting Trust under Midway USA.  This trust will match any donation.

If you would like to help the club you can purchase a hat (see the right hand side of this page), donate to our shooting trust, or you can purchase tickets for our 4-gun Winchester Model 70 raffle.   Tickets can be purchased from our membership or you can contact Mike Brown ( for more information.