Thursday, September 27, 2012

Practice Has Begun

The Fall semester is underway and the MSUSSC continues to grow.  We are currently around 60 members shooting shotguns and pistols.  Our pistol shooters have been very active by holding weekly practice sessions and participating in a number of IDPA events across the state and region.  Each Wednesday the shotgun members meet to shoot the games of Trap and Skeet.  We will soon be shooting some 5-Stand as well.  Additionally we hope to have a couple squads travel to regional shoots to compete later this fall.  Please come and join us, you do not need to be an accomplished shooter or even own a gun.

Congratulations to student shooter Brett James who shot is first perfect 25 in Trap this past Wednesday evening.  As you can see, his hat paid the ultimate price.

1 comment:

  1. John,
    Send your email address to
